Angelfish is the very popular aquarium fish over the world. They are popular for their beauty and
their peaceful manner. The angelfish is a member of the cichlid family and the genus Pterophyllum. In this the most popular species is P. scalare. From the original coloured fish, with its silver body and dark transverse bands, numerous colour and fin shape varieties have been developed. The other species, such as Pterophyllum altum and P. leopoldi, when seen in shops, are usually wild fish and quite expensive compared to P. scalare.
Playing with angelfish:-
Angelfish are very peacefull fish, you can also play with your angelfish at the time you feed them.
Feeding :-
The parents will benefit from a varied diet when in breeding form. Try a selection of quality dry foods, along with frozen bloodworm, and add a source of live food. I used live whiteworm fed once a week to keep them in the best possible condition.
The fry will take brineshrimp nauplii as a first food and will need it for up to three weeks. After this they will readiy accept any finely crushed flake foods provided as a healthy supplement.
Problems arising from angelfish breeding in general planted tanks can be tackled in two ways. Which ever one you choose, at least one extra tank will be required — because once a pair of angelfish has laid eggs in a tank with other fish, the problems can really start!
They include the possibility of the pair attacking the other inmates. If these are smaller fish they can be killed. Other tank residents could also eat the eggs and catfish may eat them at night.
Even if the parents can protect the eggs until they hatch, other inmates can pick off the tiny free-swimming fry. The parents then get continually frustrated trying to protect their eggs or fry and eat them.
In this community scenario the fishkeeper has two choices. If the pair decide to deposit their eggs on something that can be moved, such as a plant leaf or on a vertical side of a slate or stone, then my ‘method one’ has to be used.
If the pair decide at each spawning to deposit eggs on an area or immovable object, such as the sides of tank or even the heater/thermostat cable, then the keeper should use ‘method two’.
To help the pair decide where to spawn, offer them a choice of portable breeding sites, such as a piece of slate or flat stone set near vertical. Also offer plastic sword plants that have large leaves, or the leaves of real plants.
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So you have all the gear but no idea?. Before you start anything It is important that you carefully choose where you want to place the tank, make sure it is even ground and will support the tank's weight (you may have purchased a cabinet). Also make sure you can support the electrical requirement (light, filter, and heater) is there a PowerPoint nearby? Equipment Checklist :- 1. Aquarium 2. Aquarium gravel 3.Aquarium filter 4.Replacement filter media 5.Heater 6.Plants(fake or real) 7.Fish food 8.Aquarium vacuum 9.Fish net 10.Aquarium Glass Scrubber 11. A 5-gallon bucket
Once you have chosen the tank’s placement it is time to start it up. Take your purchased gravel and pour it into a bucket, it is essential that you wash your graveltoo many people foget to do this and it will make your tank filthy for months. Take a hose and wash it around then tip out the dirty water 4,5...10 times until it is absolutely clear, if it’s still dirty that’s what your tank will resemble.
Place the cleaned gravel into the bottom of the aquarium gentlythen move it around to create an even base, if you make a slight slant from the back coming down toward the front, it gives the tank a nice perspective and we perceive it to be deeper.
Fill up the tank with a hose pipe, (note* if it is a small tank or you do not have a tap nearby you will have to use buckets).
Use a water de-chlorinator, although there are no fish, chlorine and chloramines can build up over time. If you do not have one BUY ONE, you will not only use it now but every time you do a water change.
Clean out the filter material, these always contain heaps of nasties and debris you don’t want in your tank. If your filter contains a carbon packet in wool, be careful not to rip this open.
Place the filter material in the filter and the filter into the aquarium. If it is a hang-on filter you will need to fill it up with a cup to start it working, the tap on top of it allows you to change its flow rate, for cycling put it at the maximum.
Wash and clean any rocks and ornaments you will be putting into the tank, you will be surprised how much dust and dirt comes off, you don’t want that in your tank!
Put the heater in your aquarium, this will help with the cycling process.
Place the light on the tank and enjoy your tank as it begins the process of building bacteria to support your eco-community!
Now you are ready to add fishes in your aquarium, if you want some breeding fishes then Mollies are best for a beginner. For more information about mollie just click here.
Here Are Some Aquarium Themes For You To Choose :-
I hope that I will help you for setting up your aquarium, for any help or any idea just comment or mail me at
A Molly is usually included among the first fish for beginner aquarists. Mollies are often kept in community aquariums, but they are known to nip the fins of species with long and delicate fins and can therefore be a bad choice if you wish to keep such species. Some fish with long and flowing fin will be aggressive, or simply large, enough to fend of an irritating Molly, while others will be much stressed by the harassment and sometimes even die from infected wounds.
You can keep a single Molly, but they are more interesting when kept together since you can witness more of their natural behaviour. Mollies will not form schools, but they do develop a strict hierarchy among themselves. The male Molly sporting the most striking colours and largest fins is the alpha Molly. If you keep only one male Molly and several females you will avoid a lot of fighting.
My Mollies In My Aquarium
You can choose between to major types of Molly; the Short finned mollies and the Sailfin mollies. The most frequently kept Mollies belong to the Short finned group, a group that include well known species like the Black Molly and Gold-dust Molly. Sailfin Mollies have a very spectacular shape and are much larger than the common Short finned mollies. A Sailfin Molly is also harder to keep since it is more sensitive and require more space. A common Short finned Molly will do well in a 10 gallon quarium, but a Sailfin Molly must be kept in at least 20 gallons of water since it can grow up to 5 inches. All Mollies are Livebearers and unlike many fish species, Livebearers do not deposit eggs. A male Molly will instead fertilize the eggs while they are still inside the body of the female Molly, and the eggs will develop into a fry inside the mother. When the fry is large enough, the female Molly will give birth. In the wild, the Molly is found in environments influenced by tidal waves. The environment created by a tropical flood or stream emptying into the sea is a typical Molly habitat. This means that your Molly will do much better if you keep it in a brackish aquarium. Mollies are capable of surviving in a fresh water aquarium as well, but will be more vulnerable to diseases. If you want to keep Mollies with other species, it is therefore recommended to choose other tropical species that tolerate a little salt, such as the Platy. 1 or 2 tablespoons of salt for each gallon of water is suitable. You can buy marine aquarium salt in most pet shops and fish stores. Frequent water changes is a must, otherwise salt will build up in the aquarium. Since the Molly is a tropical fish, the water temperature in the aquarium should be kept in the 75-80 F range. Avoid including driftwood in youraquarium decorations, since driftwood makes the pH lower. Mollies require a pH between 7 and 8. More suitable decorations are plants and rocks. When you decorate the aquarium, leave a larger area of open water for the Molly to swim around in.
Your Molly will accept both flake and live foods. A flake food diet should ideally be combined with live food, such as blackworms, bloodworms, grindal worms, fruit flies andbrine shrimp. Vegetable matter must be included in the diet. If there are algae growing in the aquarium, the Molly will obtain vegetablematter by eating algae. If there is not a lot of algae for the Molly to eat, you can supplement with Spirulina based flakes or ordinary vegetables such as boiled peas.
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